About HYAA

HYAA Mission Statement

Holmdel Youth Activities Association (HYAA) is committed to providing youth programs, that maintain the highest standards and guarantees a fun, positive experience for everyone involved, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. The goal of Holmdel Youth Activities Association is to develop and promote the ideals of responsibility, hard work, sportsmanship, teamwork and fellowship within a safe and positive environment. These goals will be accomplished by providing structured programs designed to educate both participants and parents in all aspects of the sport. The individual growth of our community's children is enhanced through the spirit of competition, discipline and fair play and HYAA is committed to this purpose.

About HYAA

The Holmdel Youth Activities Association (HYAA) was formed in 1970 for the purpose of providing a high-quality recreational program for the children of Holmdel. Accordingly, we offer an HYAA Soccer and HYAA Fall Baseball program in the Fall, an HYAA Basketball program in the Winter, and an HYAA Baseball, HYAA Softball, and HYAA Spring Soccer program in the Spring for our children. Travel teams in each these sports are offered for those children who wish to complement their participation on HYAA recreation teams.
Conducting such an extensive youth program depends upon the efforts of a large number of volunteer adults from our community. In order to facilitate this adult involvement, the family of every child who is registered into any of our sports programs automatically becomes a member of the HYAA. Each April, any member of the HYAA can be elected to the HYAA Executive Committee, which administers the recreational programs offered. 


The HYAA Executive Committee structure consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  There are also Commissioner and League President positions for each sport.

Contact the Office

The HYAA Office is located at 4 Crawfords Corner Rd
(Basement of Town Hall)


Office Hours

Monday - Friday    10:00a-3:00p

Please note that office staff works remotely and are generally only in the office on Wednesdays.   Please contact the office if you need in person attention.

Mailing Address: PO Box 49, Holmdel, NJ 07733

Email: admin@hyaa.org

Phone: 732-946-6799

HYAA Executive Board

A Note from Mike

Managing Expectation

One of the most important coaching topics we discussed this fall, both as a board and as an HYAA community at our meetings, is the importance of communication. Specifically - managing expectations for your players and parents. 

Given that we’re a youth sports organization, the first and most important target for that communication is the parents, who drop off, pick up, watch games (and practices…)

As a coach, first off, make sure you and your assistants agree on the standards you want to set, and the expectations for the team. And then communicate that to the parents. In my experience, the best delivery is a two-shot deal: a TeamSnap message so it’s in writing, and then gathering the parents before your first game, or around your first practice. 

That’s when you want to tell them to please arrive ahead of time for practices/games with their child’s sneakers/cleats tied, proper uniform, water bottle; tell them any rules you have around missing practices vs. playing in games; remind them that during games, the best thing they can do is cheer on their kid and the team – coaching from the sideline is not helpful. And any other standards, subbing policy, etc. Best to get that all out there from the start. 

Equally, set the standards for your players too. Obviously for really young kids, that’s a hard ask – just getting them to listen for more than 10 seconds is a challenge. But a few simple rules that you reinforce can go a long way. For the older players, setting the standard for behavior/effort at practice, games, etc is really important. Set in the stone at the start of the season. Put it in writing. Have them read it, sign it. 

The older the players are, usually, the more important this kind of expectation setting is. 

At any age level, though, issues are likely going to come up during the season, whether it’s with a parent or a player. Setting and communicating the standards at the start of the season helps tremendously in managing them during the season. 

Communication is tough but it’s one of the most important responsibilities of the head coach. And in the end, over-communicating (vs. under) will help in managing the already heavy load coaches carry, and will help avoid the kind of set-backs that can impact a season, whether it’s a scheduling, uniform, conduct issue, and so on.. 

Lord knows I’ve screwed this up more times than I’ve nailed it. I think with each passing year I understood a bit better the importance of communication and managing expectations. And when a certain player came to practice/game with their cleats untied, the wrong jersey, late, and no water, at least I could say to myself that my coaches and I made clear that this was not what we had in mind! (And by the way, I know I’ve been that parent too). 

Have a great holiday season and a happy New Year. - Mike 


Effective April 2022
2024-25 Meeting Dates

Meeting dates are below.   In person meetings are held in the HHS Library Conference Room at 8 p.m.  We do have a zoom option and the link is sent through TeamSnap prior to the meeting. If you are not on our email list, please contact the office.








4/29  In person only




HYAA Code of Conduct

The following model athletic code of conduct is promulgated in accordance with the provisions of P.L. 2002, Chapter 74. NJS 5:17-1 et seq. permits youth sports organizations to require that parents and guardians of all participants agree in writing to a Code of Conduct as a condition of participation in any athletic program.


Interscholastic and youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social and emotional development of children. It is therefore essential for parents, coaches and officials to encourage youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. The essential elements of character building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and its six core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these“six pillars of character”.  Moreover, adults involved in youth sports events should be models of good sportsmanship and should lead by example by demonstrating fairness, respect and self control.

I (and my guests) therefore pledge to be responsible for my words and actions while attending, coaching, officiating or participating in a youth sports event and shall conform my behavior to the following code of conduct:

Coaching Requirements

If you are interested in volunteering to coach for an HYAA sport, please indicate this on your child’s registration form under ‘volunteer choice’.  In order to coach or assistant coach for HYAA, you must complete our background check process and complete a one time Rutgers Safety Course.  All fees are covered by the organization.  


Background checks must be completed every three years.  All coaches and assistant coaches who haven’t completed a Background Check Form within 3 years must fill out the form.  Information is kept private and confidential.  

Background Check Form Link

Be sure to read HYAA Background Check Policy for more details.

HYAA Hosting Rutgers SAFETY Course-March 12, 2025

To Register: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/473330

HYAA hosts a three hour Rutgers SAFETY course a few times a year.  The course will start at 6:45pm. All attendees MUST pre-register for the course using the registration link below.  All HYAA coaches and assistant coaches are required to take the one-time course.

While we do host a few times throughout the year, there are plenty of opportunities to take the course through other organizations.  Please view the schedule using the link below.  Following completion of the course, please provide the HYAA Office with a receipt of payment and you will be reimbursed the cost of the course. 

Rutgers Safety Course Schedule

Access Cards

If you are a current coach, who is coaching a sport that requires access to a gym, please fill out the following google form.

Access Card Google Form